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Message from Chief Grogan


It is a privilege to serve as the Police Chief of the City of Patterson.  I am honored to lead a team of dedicated, professional Officers and Administrative Staff who work daily to protect and serve the place we call home. We take great pride in serving our community where neighbors help neighbors, and where we rely on each other to uphold the principles of goodness and respect for others.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the citizens of Patterson for the support that they have shown toward the officers that patrol our street everyday to make this city a safer place for all of us. Community policing is key to helping our Police Department maintain safety and protection for all City residents. The Police Department website provides an avenue for the public to submit information or tips to our Department via email to assist with these community policing efforts. If you have a concern or information you'd like to share, please submit it to us.

My prayer is that as your Chief, we can continue to work together to make the City of Patterson a safer and more prosperous place to live.

I have 29 years of experience, as a Full Time Post Certified Officer.  I'm a lifelong resident of Patterson, Louisiana.  I am married to Kathleen Sennette and we have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. 

Again, I am honored to serve as your Police Chief and appreciate your support.

Chief Garrett Scott Grogan